Conferences for librarians about Web2.0 are common in the USA, in Great Britain and nowadays in Germany, too. Just a few minutes ago I found an announcement for a Web2.0-conference for librarians in Puerto Rico. In June there was the 11th EAHIL-conference that dealt with web2.0 and the possibilities for libraries. (Several papers and podcasts are here)
- I wonder which other parts of the world are infected with the virus "web2.0" and "library2.0"... (?) ! To get a picture of it I tried a search on google.maps:

Quelle: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=%22web2.0%22+OR+library2.0+AND+conference+AND+%22LIS%22+OR+librarians&mrt=all&sll=38.272689,8.789063&sspn=48.931466,78.75&ie=UTF8&start=0&z=4
By taking away "library2.0" out of the query I got only hits within the USA:

Quelle: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=%22web2.0%22+AND+conference+AND+%22LIS%22+OR+librarians&sll=44.746733,-97.822266&sspn=87.109472,157.5&ie=UTF8&ll=44.715514,-97.910156&spn=44.725872,78.75&z=4
That I got another part of the world with nearly similar queries (in the same search engine) is surprising! Why is there such a difference?!?
Furthermore these hits are not very satisfycing because not all hits have to do with the LIS-world. -Is there another geographical search engine that is more intelligent? (I only know from the european project SPIRIT in which the Institute Geographique National (IGN) takes part in.)
Well, I know: To get a picture about the virus "web 2.0" this way of using Google maps is not the best way, of course. It's better to use the Google API. (I never did that before but I will try to program sth. by using Google API)
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