This book was published in 2005 and is copyrightly material! Google is audacious in digitizing it and giving nearly full access to it (only a few pages were left out). The only acknowledgement they make is to publish the information "This is copyrighted material" at the bottom of the pages! They have chosen confrontation: they are breaking the rules deliberately, hoping for the long arm of the law (that it takes years to until there is a consistent international decision in copyright questions). Google is digitizing books on a large scale without asking for permission. On authors and other rightsholder are able to raise an objection. German authors are fighting back since March 2009 with the so-called "Heidelberger Appell" which beared fruit in the "The Freedom to Publish and the Protection of Copyright".
A collection of articles dealing with the "Heidelberger Appell" can be found here (unfortunately only german articles). A few days ago there was a good posting at IBI-weblog (german) where several recent articles were contemplated.
Two weeks ago there was held an international conference with 250 people from 19 different countries regarding the topic copyright: "The Future Of Copyright – What Is The Right Protection?". The presentations were translated into french, german and english. Until now there are no presentations/papers/podcasts etc. or results available. (Or did somebody find sth. about this conference?)
To shorten it up here: the suspense continues ;) I hope the authors are winning and the intellectual property remains protected.
well, here are statements from a more experienced librarian, Robert Darnton (head of the library of the Harvard University):
what I wanted to say in 2009 with this posting was an akward feeling that is now summed up in Mangei's article "Viel Spreu, wenig Weizen" (german) , somehow I felt what's common today (e.g.profit organisation's distribution of books that prevpusly belonged to the libraries, PoD-books of former wikipedia-content ...)
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